To all browniiess!
Its great to hear from all.. the news and the geyiks..
And maybe a little late but
Congratulations to Yola and the baby - must be fabulous :)
And I just read the news on sabah that Tanla posted -I am so proud of my school!!
So Selin since you are in Istanbul how about organizing the grand Brown gathering ??
With new and old and all brownies and will be brownies and current brownies
one big happy family ;)
loves to all
1 comment:
Don't ask me why it took me so long to join.. I'm sort of an MCM, expressive arts therapist, dreamwork facilitator, ex-wannabe buddhist, gay san francisco type of person and still can't figure out how these ultra modern technologies such as blogs work..once i learn more about it i might even post a picture or something but don't get your hopes high, this might take a couple odd centuries..anyway, finally i'm here. love and kisses. and let the geyik roll!
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