Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Brown Alumni Join Protest in Ankara

hundreds of thousands of people
shouting "lightbulb Tayyip"
in front of the Anıtkabir last weekend.
For those who may not have heard the event,
it was a protest in opposition to Tayyip Erdoğan's probable presidency.
Slogans also included:
"Al git anani
Kasimpasa imamı"
and collective chantings of songs such as
"Dağ başını duman almış
Gümüş dere durmaz akar"
which created the atmosphere of a sunday picnic.
It was soooooooo crowded...
Hayirlisi insllah.......


sib said...

resim nası ekleniyo buraya

tanla & bahar said...

blog'u yazdığın kutunun üzerinde bir resim kutucuğu var. oraya basınca sana ayrı bir ekran açıyor ordan browse edip istediğin resmi ekliyorsun.